Engineering Officer Jobs

65 maritime jobs found

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  1. Featured Job

    Junior Engineers (EOOW) for Oil & Gas tankers

    Junior Engineers (EOOW) Oil / Gas Tankers  - 8 Months on Oil or Gas tanker as Junior Engineer (EOOW) experience required...

    4 July 2024 - Oil Tankers

  2. Licensed Chief Engineer

    This is a contract role for a Licensed Chief Engineer aboard a US-flagged tuna purse seiner operating in the Pacific....

    26 July 2024 - Other

  3. 3rd Engineer - FSRU

    We are currently looking to recruit an experienced 3rd Engineer to join our LNG Fleet. Experience Required: To be considered for the...

    26 July 2024

  4. Fourth Engineer for Panamax Bulk Carrier vessel

    Contract duration: 5+/-1 monthTravelling: 10/08/2024Certificates & Qualifications: OOW Unlimited COC (III/1)Experience: At least one contract experience as Fourth Engineer on...

    26 July 2024 - Bulk Carriers

  5. Second Engineer for Non DP Supply / Utility/ Workboat / Maintenance Vessels

    Contract Duration : 120 days Traveling : 07/08/2024Certificates & Qualifications : Should hold 2ND ENG unlimited COC Experience : One...

    26 July 2024 - PSV

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