About Us

Sea Career is one of the best job boards specialised in jobs on sea going ships. It currently contains 130 maritime jobs from 16 recruiters.

It started as a part of All Cruise Jobs, World's leading cruise ship job board. Sea Career merged with Marine Jobs UK in 2014 to form the leading job board within the industry.

Sea Career has strict registration rules for recruiters and is open only to genuine employers and recruiters with vacancies on cargo ships, tankers, off-shore vessels, ferries, and specialised vessels. Candidates stay assured that no employment scams can ever be advertised here.

Sea Career is a property of Webix Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales No. 07677005.

Our Team

  • Laurence Cambell Laurence Campbell
    Founded Marine Jobs UK which merged with Sea Career in 2014. Laurence is also a 2nd Officer on a passenger vessel.
  • Jay Dravecky Jay Dravecky
    Founder of Sea Career and other websites in the portfolio of Webix Ltd, such as All Cruise Jobs, yaCrew, and others.
  • Debbie Bartlett Debbie Scheffers
    Joined the team in 2012 and has worked previously within the sales industry along with many other fields.
  • Abi Smith Abi Smith
    Joined the team in 2018 and looks after all of our marketing and communications.
  • Andrea Dravecky Andrea Dravecky
    Started at Webix in 2011 and is in charge of all administrative tasks within the company.