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Ratings Forming Part of Navigational Watch (Deck Watchkeeping)

€1,000 EUR

Course Type:
Navigational Watch Rating
Training School:
Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa, Malta
6 days

This is an entry level course.

It aims to give trainees the essential education & training for students to be able to work as Deck Watch Rating and to be able to form part of a Navigational Watch.
The course is accredited and approved by Transport Malta, Flag Authority, as per STCW standards.

On successful completion of the course and assessment/examination, participants should be able to demonstrate competence in performing the navigational function at the support level as specified in column 1 and 2 of Table A-II/4 of the STCW Code.


On successful completion of the training and assessment trainees should be able to:

• Steer the ship and also comply with the helm orders in the English Language.
• Keep a proper look out by sight and by hearing.
• Contribute to monitoring and controlling a safe watch.
• Operate emergency equipment and apply emergency procedures.

Entry Requirements

The Trainees shall be not less than 16 years of age.
Trainees should have at least a basic level of English to be able to participate in such course.
No other pre-requisites are required.

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MaritimeMT, HHF041A
Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa
BBG 3000

Tel: (+356) 021239170
Email: send message

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